In preparation for the transition to BPoS, Elastos Digerati took an active role in getting the community acclimated to the new community node candidates. A form was created for nodes to fill out and introduce themselves. Over a dozen community nodes filled out this form to engage with the community and show them what they bring to the table for the new BPoS Consensus. Enjoy learning about your fellow community node operators, and vote for the ones that best suit Elastos!
Please dedicate your time using the flagship Elastos wallet Essentials to stake ELA and vote for your favorite node(s). Utilize the Staking and Voting Essentials Guide to best navigate the process.
- Node Name: Wild Strawberry Atlas & Wild Strawberry Calypso
- Email Address:
- Social Media:
- Website: None
- Team Members: Big Kahuna (Strawberry Council, Wild Strawberry Atlas); White Wolf (Wild Strawberry Calypso)
- Background Information:
The ELA Node Team known as The Strawberry Supernodes is a group of dedicated community members who have been actively supporting and securing blocks on the Elastos network using DPoS nodes. The team has a diverse background, comprising professionals from construction management, small business owners, and real estate developers.
Their dedication to the Elastos blockchain and commitment to being trusted community members have helped them to maintain their seat on the CRC for the last two terms. The team has also been instrumental in supporting various exciting proposals and partnerships that will shape the future of the network. The decision to run Elastos Supernodes reflects their belief in the potential of the Elastos blockchain technology and their commitment to its success.”
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
As Node owners, they can contribute to the network’s growth and development while also helping to secure the network and share the wealth of a decentralized ecosystem. With their expertise and experience, the Strawberry Supernodes are a valuable asset to the Elastos community, and their contributions will help shape the future of the Elastos smartweb network.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node name: EverlastingOS
- Email address:
- Social Media:
- Website:
- Team Members: EverlastingOS
- Background Information:
To Support Rong Chen’s vision!
- Why should the Community vote for your node:
Loyal supporter of Elastos since 2017
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node name: Elastos SVK
- Email address:
- Social Media:
- Website: None
- Team Members: iggispopis
- Background Information:
As an Elastos enthusiast known as iggispopis, I´ve been a long-time investor and supporter of the Elastos vision. I am passionate about new technologies and believe in the importance of data ownership, allowing individuals to control their data usage. As the sole founder of Elastos SVK Node, my goal is to contribute to the network’s decentralization and enhance the security of the Elastos chain.
- Why should the Community vote for your node:
I strongly believe in data ownership and individual control over personal data, values that align with the Elastos vision. My Node aims to promote these ideals within the ecosystem. By supporting my Node, the community can contribute to a more decentralized and resilient Elastos network, fostering greater security and stability for all users.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node name: MButcho’s Guard
- Email address:
- Social Media: Twitter and Telegram: @mbutcho, Discord: MButcho#1612
- Website: None
- Team Members: MButcho
- Backround Information:
Long term Elastos Guardian, currently in CR council with Nenchy and was about time I fire public node
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
Technical expertise of Elastos, long term IT experience, managing various public and CR nodes before I decided to run my own. Long term Elastos supported and technically, I know what I am doing ⚡️
- Best Way to Contact Team: Telegram(@mbutcho) or Discord(MButcho#1612)
- Node name: Plutela
- Email address:
- Social Media: @pluto_cat on Telegram,
- Website: None
- Team Members: Pluto Cat
- Background Information:
My profession background is in Growth Marketing & Analytics. I’ve worked for several public Fortune 500 companies in the US including Amazon and currently work for a private company based in San Francisco. I have experience developing marketing infrastructure for Growth and executing digital marketing campaigns. I hope my experience can one day translate into a role within the Elastos community. Way back in 2019, I worked on the CRC growth team, before it was disbanded.
I am so inspired by Rong Chen’s vision that I am currently pursuing a Masters in Computer Science with a focus on Distributed Systems to deepen my technical skills as I hope to soon pivot full-time into Web3. My Master’s thesis will focus on Elastos and developing commercial applications for the technology which I hope to promote within the United States.
My primary reasons for running a node are:
1) I want to support the Elastos ecosystem directly. I have been inspired by Rong Chen’s vision since 2018 and have been an active community member ever since. I believe now is the time to get more involved and help take this project to the mainstream where it belongs.
2) I want to develop my technical skills and understanding of blockchain infrastructure so I can further support the Elastos Smartweb.
3) I want to develop content that can make it easy for other less-technical people, to learn the basics of node running and the Elastos tech stack.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
I believe there’s value in having node operators in the community (outside the core teams), but to be honest, there are many other people much more deserving of votes than me. People that have worked very hard in this community despite all the ups and downs like Mbutcho, Ryan, Nenchy, Greg, etc. I just hope I can have enough votes to not run a loss so I can continue running my node, develop content on how other non-technical people can run nodes, and learn about node operations so I can better support the commercialization of the Elastos Smartweb in the USA.
- Best Way to Contact Team: or Telegram(@pluto_cat)
- Node name: Elastos_storm-tang
- Email address:
- Social Media: or WeChat: stormpark
- Website: None
- Team Members: Storm-Tang
- Background Information:
Elastos 发展至今已有五年多,我一直保持着对ELA团队坚定的信心;也是一路陪伴走过来,参与过CR选举但限于个人能力有限就放弃了,DPOS时期也是稳定的质押,所以我在Bpos开始时我继续选择了成立节点1000天的。
Elastos has been in development for more than five years, and I have always maintained firm confidence in the ELA team; I have participated in the CR election but gave up due to limited personal ability, and the DPOS period is also a stable pledge, so I am in Bpos At the beginning, I continued to choose to establish a node for 1000 days.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
Long-term stability, hand in hand to witness the glory!
- Best Way to Contact Team: Wechat(ID: stormpark)
- Node Name: Elastos Digerati – 亦来云视角
- Email Address:
- Social Media:
- Website:
- Team Members: Cassie, Big P, Dave, Jeremy, John M
- Background Information:
Elastos Digerati teamed up to launch a node to support the new BPoS Consensus. The group is made up of longtime community members that have been in the Elastos community since 2018.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
Elastos Digerati serves the community first and foremost. They ensure that and its social media outlets are consistently filled with contents. The community can trust that Digerati holds a lot of integrity when it comes to fulfilling its obligation to run a node and making sure it’s live and functional daily.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Email Address: None
- Social Media:
- Website: None
- Team Members: Sunny Feng Han
- Background Information:
Sunny has been one of the thought leaders of Elastos since the project’s inception. His dedication and business acumen has given the project a boost in a multitude of areas. He utilizes his connections to connect Elastos with many different projects and organizations. Sunny has been a node operator for DPoS and is now running a node for the new BPoS Consensus.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
Sunny is one of the prominent faces of the Elastos project. One of his missions in life is to make Elastos a true leader in the Web3 space. A vote for Sunny is a true vote for the Elastos project. He has been the top node in the prior DPoS Consensus and a trusted community/team member.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node Name: Elastos Scotland
- Email
- Social Media:
- Website: None
- Team Members: Elastos Scotland
- Backround Information:
I decided to run a node to help the community with the BPOS upgrade and so that I could give back to the community that I am addicted to!
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
I am a long term (Feb 2018!) ELA holder and have been here from the start! I fully support Elastos and the Elastos vision and will always be a part of this community!
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node Name: Elavation
- Email Address:
- Social Media: None
- Website: None
- Team Members: Fakhul, Jamie, Greg, Jon, Agnes, Terrence, Ryan
- Background Information:
We are the Elavation growth team – responsible for Elastos marketing and business development strategy and execution.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
We are deeply entwined in the Elastos ecosystem and the entire purpose of the team is to improve the brand, opportunities and growth of Elastos.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node Name: ZCO.CO
- Email Address:
- Social Media:
- Website:
- Team Members: Jack Lin
- Backround Information:
ZCO(zillion-center organization), 是通过一种基尼系数的决策模型实现一个没有确定中心的自运营组织,ZCO的使命是为构建一个公正和谐的世界而努力!ZCO组织生态系统由大量的不同形态的小中心组成,任何人都可以自由地加入ZCO,并自由地加入、创建、运营自己感兴趣的小中心,无数的小中心构建成为一个大的泛中心系统。
ZCO (zillion-center organization) is a self-operating organization without a defined center through a Gini coefficient decision-making model. The mission of ZCO is to work hard to build a just and harmonious world! The ZCO organizational ecosystem is composed of a large number of small centers of different forms. Anyone can join ZCO freely, and freely join, create, and operate small centers of their own interest. Countless small centers are built into a large pan-center system.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
We will develop the DAPP of the pan-center community on the ESC chain, and promote the number of active users of Elastos through the promotion of DAPP. At present, we have completed the overall business structure design and DAPP UI design.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node Name:
- Email Address:
- Social Media: None
- Website:
- Team Members: 比特火锅 Bitter Hot Pot
- Background Information:
10 years of experience in the blockchain industry, a diehard fan of Elastos!
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
我是2017开始陪伴亦来云的死忠粉,我相信亦来云一定进市值前20 .
I am a die-hard fan of Elastos since 2017, and I believe that Elastos will definitely enter the top 20 by market value.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node Name: SmartWeb _Nenchy/能奇
- Email Address:
- Social Media:
- Website: https://smartweb.ela
- Team Members: Nenchy
- Background Information:
To further support amazing Elastos tech and Smartweb.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
Let’s make Elastos great, together! I always try to be an active and constructive community member and appoint any improvement areas I see as opportunities for a further, faster, and even more decentralized future. Past years have been helping as admin in 4 sELA stow projects; Glide, FilDA, ElaCity and CreDA and lately also as an active Council member (M&N > Two4You).
- Best Way to Contact Team: or Discord
- Node Name: 1) ⓗwΞdini # 1; 2) ⓗwΞdini 2.0; 3) ⓗwΞdini 2822
- Email Address:
- Social Media: Twitter (@ELA_2822) and Telegram (@ELA_2822)”
- Website: None
- Team Members: ⓗwΞdini
- Background Information:
As an Elastos OG and an active community member, the least I can do is support Elastos network stability, decentralization, security, consistency and reliability. Hence running BPoS validator nodes was a no brainer to me, even if I will be incurring in-real-life costs out of my pocket to cover their running costs (for renting virtual servers, etc) with very little info on what the potential returns might be.
I strongly believe everyone will have a role and should be doing their best contributing to Elastos’ success .. We can’t all sit on our hands praying for Elastos tech stack to get mass adoption while not trying to help in whatever way we can .. I’m not a techie so I can’t help with dev work, so I figured out I can play a role pushing Elastos on social media, spreading the word out and making what Elastos is about and aspiring to become as clear as possible to as many people as attainable, as long as running the 3 validator nodes with variable pledge times to give more options for stakers to help with the BPoS transition and get it up and running as quickly as possible.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
It is imperative for stakers to put their trust and pledge their precious ELA to nodes operated by trustworthy operators whom they know first-hand and are active in the Elastos community (I deem myself as one), otherwise they will be assuming the risk of a node owner shutting it doing prematurely (for various reasons) while stakers’ ELA is still locked for the pledge time they set when initially staking!
Furthermore, supporting early node operators who are hardcore believers in Elastos, locking their precious Elastos for quite a long time and bearing in-real-life actual costs to operate the validator nodes at such an early stage with uncertainty about what the potential returns might be.
- Best Way to Contact Team: Twitter (@ELA_2822) and Telegram (@ELA_2822)
- Node Name: ELA FutureWeb
- Email Address:
- Social Media:
- Website: None
- Team Members: JuRi, BadDog
- Background Information:
My node is run via Contabo through a server from Germany. I am a member of the community.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
As a longtime member of the ELA community, I felt obligated to be more a part of it. The transition to the new BPoS is an opportunity for me to become more involved in this unique project and be able to support its growth. I’m happy to be a part of it!
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node Name:
- Email Address:
- Social Media:
- Website:
- Team Members: Gabo, Andy, Shey
- Background Information:
We’ve been supporting the Elastos vision for the past 3 years running a DPoS node. We now clearly want to support this consensus transition by running a BPoS node as well.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
We are here for the long term, to see the Elastos vision become reality.
- Best Way to Contact Team:
- Node Name: sheepshaun and dogbitzer
- Email Address:
- Social Media:
- Website: None
- Team Members: Sheep Shaun
- Background Information:
Elastos OG since the beginning of 2018. Have experienced all the ups and downs. Would like to support the decentralisation of Elastos. The more community nodes, the better for Elastos but also for the community.
- Why should the Community vote for your node?
As a long-time supporter, I only want the best for Elastos.
- Best Way to Contact Team: Telegram(@sheep_shaun)
*Please note that this article covers the nodes that participated in filling out the Node Team Info form created by Elastos Digerati. More nodes can be found on Essential wallet.