What is your field of expertise?
I have established a 20+ year career in the IT industry across various positions of responsibility. My main field of expertise is operations, and everything around that. However, in the past I have also been a developer, product manager, project manager and more.
I have dedicated 25 years of my career to different areas of sales, which continues to be my passion and professional motivation.
My education includes a BA in Administrative Sciences and I have held roles in various business environments. I have proven skills in business networking, including two years as president of a leading entrepreneur group within the Business Network International organization. I believe I have nurtured my entrepreneurial spirit through developing strong sales management results, honing negotiating skills, and managing investment portfolios within international financial and insurance companies.
What is your goal with Elastos by the end of the next council term?
Our first goal is to propose and deliver a new enhanced version of the CR Consensus and try to garner support from the new CR Council.
Our full proposal is available here: https://medium.com/@Elastos_MN/7d7a347251b0
There will be more…
What is the main issue with ELA, looking at its market performance (dropping out of top 100, currently sitting 500+ in terms of MC)?
The main issue with ELA is its volume, the lack of a market maker, and no availability for US customers besides via DEXs. We definitely need either Kraken or Coinbase, ideally both, to open up ELA to one of the biggest markets in the world.
What should be Elastos’ killer dApp in your opinion?
A decentralized social network (Feeds) with messenger, or Elastos Essentials with decentralized messenger built-in.
Reaching Elastos DID adoption would also could be our killer utility (not dApp)
How are you going to contribute to the CR Council if you get elected?
We, as a team, will try to push required changes to CR Consensus for it to become a really helpful and fast tool to reach the right decisions. We also guarantee that we will vote on every single proposal if we get elected and, in cases where we are approached by a community member with a good suggestion, we will help it to become a proposal.
We will do our best to bring all our professional experience and connections to bridge amazing Elastos technology to real-world use cases. We have superb technology, so now it’s time to bring it out into the world!
Since you are running for your first time, please introduce yourself to a community. Tell us a little about your background, prior experience, and personal vision for Elastos and Cyber Republic.
I entered the crypto space in 2017, and discovered Elastos in early 2018. I admired the vision of Elastos from day one and I saw that Elastos could be something we need in this world: #ownyourdata is a cornerstone of the Elastos future, one I wholly agree with.
In late 2018 I became a moderator in the Elastos Telegram group for Czech and Slovak community members, and, in 2020, I became part of the newly formed Guardians team. Since then I have been serving the Elastos community, helped to develop Elastos Light Wallet, led the migration of our community from Telegram to Discord (a controversial topic among the community, but I believe that this transition had to be done to reboot our community and remove toxicity), and I helped with E-Lab as a project manager.
I joined the Elastos community back in 2018 and I have closely followed Elastos ecosystem development for the whole period. I remain very excited about its vision and mission – it remains there for the taking!
Professionally I am not a “technical guy”, so I don’t know what it takes to code a great app or to build a network carrier. However, I am able to envision and explain technical Web3 opportunities with regards to real life utilities. At the same time it is important to instil passion for, and interest in, successful Elastos apps and products.
I live a simple “givers gain” and “walk the talk” philosophy, which led me to join this election with the hope of matching great Elastos technology to a wider global user experience. Quite simply: I’m here to help Elastos help everyone so that everyone can benefit.
Would you say the design of suggestions and proposals, and the CRC in general, has been effective? What could be improved?
The CR Consensus is a very useful tool to help to build an ecosystem. However, the past few years showed us that a new version of CRC should be introduced, which will reflect all Elastos needs, speed up the processes, and reward or punish CR council members who do not fulfill their duties.
Every Council member has the privilege and obligation to vote on proposals. We have witnessed too much antipathy and negligent conduct from some Council members; this has to change. Giving M&N the opportunity to join the council will mean we can offer a promise to vote on every single proposal. Abstaining is not an option for us, unless there is a great conflict of interest.
What contributions to the Elastos ecosystem as a whole have you made? How does your unique background benefit the CR Council?
Both of us always try to be active and constructive community members and contribute to any improvement areas where we see opportunities for a more complete, efficient, and decentralized future. Both of us have contributed to Elastos in various areas including: developer, project manager, moderator – always with the Elastos vision in mind.
In the past year both of us have been helping as community moderators/admins in four sELA core ESC projects; Glide, FilDA, ElaCity and CreDA. So we are always there to answer the questions and community concerns.
Consistency is something we will bring to CR Council if elected.
Who else would you endorse for being on the Council with you?
It is not that much about individuals, but what any CR council member is capable of achieving within a team. During the past three years, we witnessed the great efforts of many talented people and teams. This year, as M&N, we have decided to join up as a team, as we both share many similar views and help as community leaders/admins in core ecosystem projects. I am sure we can form a perfect link between community and the CR’s decision-making responsibilities.
We hope the community will take into account past performance of all candidates and select those who will help Elastos the most, through either their agenda or by voting records for proposals.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
We take pride in our determination to undertake challenges that aim to surmount the “impossible”!
This article originally appeared on the Cyber Republic Blog