Elastos Essentials, the flagship Super-Wallet application of the Elastos ecosystem, will be providing support for its first hardware wallet, the Ledger Nano X, in its July release. Following the release, Ledger Nano X device owners using Essentials will be able to manage their assets with increased security. By using the Nano X in conjunction with Essentials, users will never be prompted to input, type out, or share their wallet mnemonics with any ecosystem application, and their mnemonics will be completely inaccessible to Essentials.
Ledger Integration: Features and Benefits
The Essentials Ledger integration will support operations on the Elastos and Bitcoin networks, as well as all Ethereum-compatible networks. dApps offering DeFi tools and operations will also be accessible to Nano X owners.
The Essentials team has already completed development related to transaction support, and is currently in the process of fine-tuning the Super-Wallet’s user interface. Following user interface optimization, the Essentials team will conduct an intensive testing phase, and subsequently deliver Elastos Essentials’ July release. Along with support for the Ledger Nano X, Essentials’ July will come equipped with Elastos main chain multi-signature support, new EVM networks including IoTeX, Cronos or Hoo, faster NFT listings and transfers, and other improvements.
With Ledger support a mere month away, make sure to remain up-to-date on the latest news, events, and developments in the Elastos ecosystem right here on the official Elastos Info Blog.