The Elastos Info Team is excited to introduce a new publication for the Elastos community called the Elastos Community Monthly. While the Elastos Foundation publishes a Bi-Weekly Technical Update relaying technical updates from core development teams, the community teams that populate the ecosystem are in need of a regular outlet where they can post news on a regular basis. Our June issue covers several of the community teams working with Elastos Web3 tech, and we invite all community members and teams to submit updates to the Info Team going forward, so as to be included in future issues.
The June 2021 issue includes updates from the new Cyber Republic Council, Tuum Tech, Orchard, Elabox, and the teams at CreDA and Feeds. Looking to get your team’s progress in the July issue? Email us at
Elastos Info is a community team. We can be found at our official website and our official Twitter @ElastosInfo
ELA, the native token of the Elastos ecosystem, plays an integral role as a utility token that is used for gas in Mainchain transactions, and also notably for DID registration. More information pertaining to ELA tokenomics is available on
ELA liquidity on Uniswap is now live on V3, and the multi-signature addresses dedicated to securing the funds have been securely transferred to newly elected Cyber Republic Council members.
Uniswap V3 link:
On June 7th, the ELA inflation adjustment, reducing inflation from 5 ELA to 3 per block (40% less), took effect. Another 50% reduction will take place in December 2021.
Elastos Foundation:
The Elastos Foundation (EF) is a non-profit that provides developers with all the tools to build the Modern Internet of Elastos.
The Elastos Foundation (EF) facilitates various processes, such as resource allocation and dispute mediation, among a network of decentralized development teams that function independently, but which share the communal goal of building out the baseline code for the Elastos SmartWeb.
For all updates from the core development teams, follow the official EF blog at The Elastos Foundation has no social media accounts.
Updates from EF in June include:
- Elastos ID Sidechain Went Live on Mainnet Enabling DID 2.0:
- The official website of EF, launched a brand new website for all things Elastos and Web3.
- Bi-Weekly Update June 4:
- Bi-Weekly Update June 18:
A Web3 software engineering team building Elastos-powered products and services to help developers build decentralized applications and enable users to own the data they generate on the web.
Social: @tuumtech (Twitter)
June was a very important transitional month for Tuum Technologies. The team concluded Q2 with an evaluation of their quarterly goals and checkpoints, and also clearly defined objectives for the quarter to come.
Important achievements span from technical development to education and awareness with several June highlights listed below:
- Continued development of Profile in preparation for the transition from closed Alpha testing to open Beta version
- Continued development of DID JS SDK alongside Trinity Tech
- Completion of the new website
- Completion of the new website
- Synced DID JS SDK to utilize DID 2.0 and integrate into
- Pre-release of Assist v2 API
- Began development of the Tuum Technologies developer portal
- Successful transition of Mission89 and EFAA partnership from Elastos Orchard
- Web3 interview with Real Vision – Watch [HERE]
- Article highlighting Elastos Identity on Web3 – Read [HERE]
Here’s a glimpse into what Tuum Technologies will be working to complete in the months ahead:
- Convert Hive JS SDK from pure javascript to typescript and add missing features
- Major development to Assist API service that will utilize DIDs as an authentication mechanism so DIDs can be integrated by any web or mobile apps
- Sync DID JS SDK to utilize DID 2.0 and integrate into
- Major development to Profile API service that will utilize DIDs as an authentication mechanism (similar to Assist) so DIDs can be integrated by any web or mobile apps.
- Continue to develop and add more features (including early forms of NFTs for badges using smart contracts)
- Connect Profile to Elastos Essentials so all actions can be carried out using the Connectivity SDK
- Integrate all the features of Vouch app into and decommission Vouch
- Set up Tuum Technologies nodes for Mainchain, DID Sidechain, ETH Sidechain, Carrier, and Hive that anyone in the world can utilize.
Cyber Republic (CR):
The official DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) of the Elastos ecosystem from which decisions are made regarding ecosystem expansion, development initiatives, and funding allocations.
On June 10th, the 2nd Annual Cyber Republic Council elections concluded, with a new 12-seat council scheduled for a 1-year term. Read the official post here:
Second Annual Cyber Republic Council Elections Conclude, New Council Begins Term
The new council is already hard at work, with their first two official meetings taking place on June 16th and June 30th. Below are the meeting minutes from both meetings.
“The portal to the Decentralized Web”
Elabox is a PC2 hardware device that integrates core Elastos technologies and connects users securely to Elastos SmartWeb
Here is what Elabox accomplished in June, and where the project stands today:
→ The Elabox team added new members, including 3 developers with extensive experience. John M. (Twitter: @johnmgran) is the Elabox Project Lead, and is responsible for keeping development on schedule, ensuring quality controls for hardware and accessories, managing logistics, and optimizing product packaging.
→ Designed a robust OTA update mechanism and a new core system that can handle future features. The new core system will likely begin testing in the 1st week of July, and will be added to Elabox the following week. With the newly developed core system infrastructure in place, detecting errors caused by dApps will become far easier going forward.
→ This Over-the-Air Update system will become a crucial part of ElaboxOS, and will ensure that any future patches and updates to any dApps inside Elabox are seamless.
→ The Elabox hardware product will undergo a major makeover, including fully revamped hardware accessories, case design, and the packaging.
→ The team plans to conduct a community vote shortly to allow Elabox supporters to determine what Elabox’s design casing will look like.
→ The team also has plans to give the early buyers who support the project a valuable surprise of sorts. As the time approaches, expect an announcement!
CreDA is a credit-based DeFi platform operating on Huobi’s Heco Chain that will employ Elastos DIDs to enable users to leverage the wealth vested in their data for personalized credit applications.
Twitter: @CreDAfinance
The CreDA team is pleased to announce that CreDA Beta V2 went live on the Elastos Smart Contract Chain (ESC) in June. Get started exploring CreDA Beta V2 at the link below:
Latest Article:
Elastos Orchard is an Elastos ecosystem organization currently serving its second term on the Cyber Republic Council. Orchard serves as a communications and business development hub for Elastos in Europe.
Twitter: @ElastosOrchard Elastos Orchard submitted a Suggestion to Cyber Republic to represent and involve Elastos at a Web3 Conference this July. Check it out at the link below:
Update: Over the last six months, a group of students from the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht have helped Orchard by delivering advisory Web 3.0 reports for their Creative Business course. Each was assigned the role of exploring pain points they saw within Orchard and Elastos and offering solutions which could help drive the Web 3.0 vision forward. Within these submissions, Orchard had contributions on how to approach NGOs with market research and direct interviews conducted with a mockup DApp to help guide what would be useful to them restoring trust. Orchard also had strategy implementation and product development guides on how they are perceived from community interviews to guide where they should place themselves in the ecosystem and a market fit report for Cordial, including a video and a value proposition document. It has been an extremely enjoyable experience with 2 hour sessions held with students each month and the opportunity to teach and inspire the Web 3.0 vision to passionate minds. If you are interested in learning more about this experience, please reach out to the team.
Feeds:Feeds is a decentralized social media platform that employs Elastos DIDs and enables users to remain in full control of the data they generate.
Twitter: @ElastosFeeds
Here is what the Feeds team accomplished over the last month, and where the project stands today:
→ The Feeds team completed major development testing, and will soon be ready to release a new and improved version of Feeds.
→ The new version of Feeds will not offer new features to users, but will contain major internal improvements that will enhance functionality for future releases. For this reason, users will not be required to update their Feeds applications.
→ The Feeds team is now hard at work integrating an NFTs and a corresponding NFT marketplace on the Smart Contract Sidechain (ESC).
→ The team is also building a Feeds service desktop application for both macOS and Windows.
→ In the week ahead, Feeds will also release a new and improved version of Hive Java SDK and corresponding Hive Node solution.
→ The team has nearly finished upgrading the DID SDK dependency from DID 1.x to DID 2.0 on the EID Sidechain.
→ Once the DID SDK is released in the next version of Feeds, the Hive Java SDK and Hive node will be next in line – a lot to look forward to.
For all developer teams, ecosystem projects, and other community organizations looking to present their development progress and other general status updates in the July issue of Elastos Info’s Elastos Community Monthly, contact our team directly at