The Cyber Republic (CR) Council has officially closed a deal onboarding cryptocurrency market maker Kairon Labs to provide support across exchange markets for Elastos and its native token, ELA

Elastos has officially formed a strategic partnership with Web3 infrastructure meta-platform Encentive.io.

With much support from the Feeds team, Pasar has now released Pasar V2, the newest version of the Pasar marketplace.

Developing its platform on Elastos to complement Pasar, MetEast is a decentralized NFT marketplace ready to add value to Elastos’ growing NFT ecosystem.

DR: Candidate for CR council election for term 2022/2023

Sash | Elacity: Candidate for CR council election for term 2022/2023

MButcho & Nenchy: Candidate for CR council election for term 2022/2023

As NFT use cases emerge, it’s becoming obvious they will disrupt entire industries. Check out 10 cool NFT ideas here and see how they’ll change the world.

Elastos Info is pleased to announce the third rendition of the Cyber Republic DAO’s annual elections. Now two full years, 78 proposals, and countless funding allocations into the decentralized operation of Elastos’ ecosystem DAO

Establishment of Cyber Republic Operations LLC Empowers Community-Led DAO to Perform Business Operations in Pursuit of Elastos Mission