
Elastos Light Wallet Announcement

We have an important update regarding the Elastos Light Wallet (ELW) and the release of version 1.0.8. This new version represents a significant milestone as it involves a complete overhaul of API usage, transitioning to official Elastos APIs to improve stability. Download the new version of ELW here.

However, it is essential to note that the ELW will be discontinued on December 31st, 2023. To ensure the utmost security and sustainability of your ELA holdings, we strongly advise you to take the following actions:

  • Ledger Nano S users with mainchain ELA: Currently, there is no alternate wallet available for your Ledger Nano S. However, you can transfer your ELA to the Essentials Wallet, then proceed with transferring to the Elastos Smart Contract Chain (ESC), and finally send them to your ETH address on your Ledger device, which is accessible via Metamask. This approach will provide you with the security benefits of a Ledger device.
  • Hot wallet users without a Ledger device: If you are using ELW without a Ledger device, we strongly suggest creating a new wallet in Essentials Wallet and moving your funds there. Alternatively, you can import your existing mnemonic phrase into Essentials Wallet for a seamless transition.

Please note that no new features will be implemented in the Elastos Light Wallet moving forward. If you wish to access features such as BPoS Staking/Voting, Cyber Republic Election, and Cross-chain transfers, we encourage you to consider migrating to the Essentials Wallet. You can download Essentials Wallet here.

Should you have any further questions or need assistance, we invite you to join our Discord channel and tag @MButcho#1612. We are here to help and provide support.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation as we work towards enhancing the Elastos ecosystem.